Filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request:

All public records of Lisle Township are available to any person for inspection or copying, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. For information related to the public’s rights under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, please visit the Attorney General’s website.

To request public records from Lisle Township, please submit a letter detailing the documents that you are requesting access to in writing (via email, fax, or mail).

The letter should be sent to our Freedom of Information Officer:

FOIA Officer
Lisle Township
4711 Indiana Ave
Lisle, IL 60532

You can also easily submit a formal FOIA Request via our online submission form here.

The requested public records that the individual is entitled to receive will be provided within five business days; except for unusual circumstances as permitted under the Freedom of Information Act, they will be made available within five working days from the date of receipt of the request.

In the event that the request for records cannot be complied with, a written denial notice stating the specific reasons for the denial will be delivered to the person making the request. Any person denied access to inspect or copy any public records may appeal such denial by providing written notice of the appeal to the Illinois Attorney General Public Access Counselor at by email or mail to:

Cara Smith
Public Access Counselor
Office of the Attorney General
500 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois  62706

Public Records Fees

Information may be requested by electronic means or print. Single copies of public records are made available at no charge. However, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, a fee may be charged for providing copies of any other records or documents that exceed 50 pages, require color or oversized pages. Shipping costs may be charged.